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TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE 2 - the 1986 Dennis Hopper / Tobe Hooper sequel

Jul 27
Sat 10:30pm only!

Dir. Tobe Hooper - 1986 - 100m


In 1974, horror fans rejoiced upon the release of Tobe Hooper's masterpiece, The Texas Chain Saw Massacre. The movie raised the stakes of in-your-face filmmaking and changed the face of horror. Twelve years later, Hooper and the Sawyer clan are back with this deviously entertaining sequel, starring Dennis Hopper in one of the most deliciously crazed performances of his career.

For a decade, Texas Ranger Lefty Enright (Hopper) has sought to avenge the brutal murder of his kin by the cannibalistic Sawyer family – Leatherface, Chop-Top, The Cook and Grandpa. With the help of a radio DJ (Caroline Williams), who's also bent on putting an end to the terror, Lefty finds his way to the Sawyers' underground slaughter shop, where a battle of epic proportions will soon rage... and the line between good and evil gets chopped to bits!

"A ripe and wicked horror-comedy, as black as pitch and every bit as violent as naysayers mistakenly accused the first film of being." - Dustin Putman, 

"Works because it's a complete original. You never know from minute to minute where it's going to go, and that unpredictability keeps you riveted for every single second." - Mike McGranaghan, Aisle Seat 

3405 Central Avenue NE
Albuquerque, NM 87106

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